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Challenge: Why I Love My Mom Bod

To the tiny teenagers who laughed at my body

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I H O P E that there never comes a day when you take your babies to the swimming pool, and someone laughs when you take off your shorts, like you laughed at me.

Yes, I heard you. I saw you. Your chuckles and pointing didn’t go unnoticed. I saw you try to turn around and act like you weren’t looking at me when I faced your direction. One thing you will learn as you grow, is that you become more aware of your surroundings.

Maybe I wouldn’t have noticed had I not been a little uncomfortable taking off my shorts in the first place.

What you don’t know about my body that you found funny, is that when I was your age, I had a wall in my uterus and endometriosis so bad, that I had to have both removed or I may have never carried my children. I would carry however much weight it takes, as long as I have my boys.


You don’t know how many Y E A R S its taken me to take my pants off at the pool, only for someone to find it funny. I was forever the mom on the sidelines. I wouldn’t dare E N J O Y the pool days with my boys.

You don’t know that today was the first time I have ever suggested a pool night, the first time I have ever taken my boys to the swimming pool alone. You see, me taking my kids to the pool alone, means I am their safety in the water. Therefore I knowingly walked into the waterpark, with all intentions of getting in that pool. And you laughed.

I hope that you never go through the struggles with your little body that I have been through. I hope there never comes a day that your ashamed to put on a swimming suit. I hope you never cringe at your reflection. Let me tell you, when those days come, they’re really H A R D to come back from.

The day will come and your body will change. Maybe not as much as mine has, but it will change. I hope that nobody laughs at you. I hope that you N E V E R know the feeling. I do want you to know that it isn’t going to mean a damn thing. Your husband is going to love you just the same, and your children aren’t going to skip a beat when you bare a little skin. Your body has nothing to do with the friends you have, or the car you drive. My lumpy butt has not ruined anything for me.

I hope you know that the only worse feeling I have had at the swimming pool, was missing out.

Your laughter means very little to a mom who’s won a serious battle in putting on that suit. Your laughs have N O T H I N G on the faces of our children who are thrilled that we are with them, no matter what we look like.

You may feel like you were really awesome in front of your friends. Maybe you feel extra skinny and cute this evening. Well, you’re welcome. I’m a mom. I am all about keeping the children happy. Next time you want to point and laugh at someone wearing a swimsuit, come over to my house. We will pull an all nighter together, and then put out the fire to 376 temper tantrums, before noon. I will then take you to the swimming pool where you will be so tired, mentally and physically, to even give two shits about what I am wearing.

Love. The mom with the really funny - lumpy butt, who jumped a lot of hurdles to get where she’s at.

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