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Challenge: Open Discussion

You don't know how they feel

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I need your grace.

And you need mine.

Now more than ever.

With a global health pandemic that's nowhere near its end,

Karens pitching fits about wearing masks,

and Karen-hunters capturing such episodes and making them go viral,

it's a fudgin' shiitakeshow out there.

Which is just another reason you should stay (safer) at home.

Don't get me wrong.

I get out.

For drive-thu food mainly — ‘cause my priorities be like that — and also for solo exercise and to play with my kids because those things are important too.

The thing is...

I used to love seeing other people.

My kids and I would run up to those we know, hug them hard, and then happily remain all up in their space 'cause that's how we do our friendships.

But, these days, running into those you know, well, it feels a bit awkward and uncomfortable.

You don't know how they feel about

the 'Rona,

Black Lives Matter,

the President,

about schools reopening,

about the country reopening.

You don't know how they feel about the fact

that you went to a salon and got your hair done,

that you still venture out to drive-thrus,

that you went to a protest,

that you didn't go to one,

that you have created a "quaranteam" that includes some of your extended family,

that you still held your child's birthday party and invited their friends,

that you haven't seen a single person outside of your nuclear family since March,

that you've been an anxiety-coated, overwhelmed, mess of a human since then.

They don't know how you feel about

their recent trip to a semi-crowded beach,

the fact that they dine-in at restaurants,

or their choice to send their child to summer camp.

Neither of you knows the right thing to say, but each of you is fully aware that saying the wrong thing could land you in hot water and their bad graces.

So, I'll say it again --

I need your




and understanding,
and you need mine.

Because, now more than ever, the only thing that's super clear is that love and light make the hate and heavy more bearable until we can rid our country of all of it.

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