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Challenge: Raising kids is stressful. Let’s share ways to make it less so.

Yes, There Is Still Alone Time

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What I think I heard the most when I was pregnant was that I'd never have time to myself again. Which, hey, I get that, obviously I'm no longer even on the radar of whats important (well yes I am, but you know what I mean). When Ella came, I didnt want to be anywhere without her. I couldnt get enough of that sweet face. And then weeks turned into months and I realized I needed some me time (and first felt guilt but then realized how important it was!). So my husband and I developed two things that we really stick to as much as possible:

1) Sleep In Days - Oh yes, I'm serious. On weekends when we dont have much planned, Jaren gets to sleep in on Saturdays and I get to sleep in on Sundays. Its GLORIOUS. Its rejuvenating. I'd say for two reasons: First, I love those Saturday mornings with my girl. Just the two of us, while daddy snoozes upstairs. No work, no daycare, just me and her. Second, the sleep. On that sleep in day, getting to sleep until 9 or 10 is really what the tired mom/dad ordered. I'd suggest you give it a whirl. We learned about this awesome idea from very good friends and have been thanking them ever since.

2) Solo Store Trips - Yep. Wherever. Target (my personal heaven). The grocery store. It really doesnt have to be special. But there is something about just walking through the aisles at a leisurely pace, perhaps a Starbucks in hand, with no timeline, no feeding schedule...really is wonderful. Now, dont get me wrong, we love to shop as a family...of course. But every once in a while, Jaren wants a dad trip to Lowes or I need some uninterrupted time at DSW and its great.

I really feel like both of these tips (hacks maybe?) reminds yourself of still being you, in addition to being mom or dad. And I really think thats what makes for the happiest parents. Well and having a really cute baby waiting for you at home when you get back or waiting for you downstairs when you come downstairs in the morning, circa brunch instead of sunrise :)


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