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Challenge: WHO Are You?

The Journey To Yourself: Three Keys For Meaningful Self-Exploration

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Parenthood is one thing, but I think we all need to take time to reflect who we are and what we want out of life. When you get in touch with yourself, it's easier to have autonomy in all areas -- parenthood included.

You will show in with more clarity in business, more decision making in your family life and with greater compassion in your love life. Below are a few mindsets and strategies that have allowed me to see more clearly and walk through life in a way that lets me stay in the driver's seat.

Going on Morning Runs

Seriously. No matter how much I fight them and sometimes even hate them, morning runs are a life changer when I'm consistent. Both the morning and the run part are equally important. There's something powerful about starting my day early, making an effort to leave the comfort of my bed.

I feel empowered when I take some time for myself before getting bogged down in e-mails and communication with others, which will demand a serious amount of my time throughout the rest of the day. This quiet time helps to calm my mind and give me the strength to make it through whatever the day throws at me.

Keep Vices in Their Place

Take note that I never said eliminate them entirely. Life is all about balance, and people tend to live the extreme of either being controlled by their vices or having no control over them.

The best thing you can do is schedule them out in a healthy way. For instance, if you love a certain chicken and waffles joint in your area, it's better to make it a cheat day rather than developing the habit of grabbing some every lunch break. By exercising this sort of discipline regularly, while giving yourself the freedom to indulge every now and then, you'll keep yourself centered and will ground any misdirected energy.

Stay in Touch With Your Higher Purpose

This means different things for all of us. One person might list parenthood as their main purpose, while others feel like they give to the world in other ways.

If you're not sure what you would call your higher purpose, it's worth some investigating. When you're driven by that purpose, everything in your life tends to fall into line, and it informs how you process everything.

Starting with these three points gives you the marching orders that lead you to yourself, which is great for your overall life.

This post comes from the TODAY Parenting Team community, where all members are welcome to post and discuss parenting solutions. Learn more and join us! Because we're all in this together.