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Challenge: Class of 2020

April Showers

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If you had asked me a month ago what I would be sharing on social media during the month of April I would have said pictures of my daughter going to prom, pictures and videos of her senior solo and TONS of pictures and videos of her dancing at her dance team's spring show. Her prom dress was being altered, her solo music chosen (My Way by Frank Sinatra) and many hours had already been spent with her team learning new choreography. All three of these major events were taking place in April, and we were both eagerly waiting for these big moments.

Instead, I am sharing a picture of my girl wearing her work shirt from HEB. Not exactly what I envisioned.

HEB is a beloved grocery store in Texas and my daughter, Tandy, got her first job as a customer service assistant (she bags groceries) in January. The stress of completing college applications was behind her and she was excited about trying something new.


She loved this part-time job from Day One. She loves asking people about their day, she loves helping the elderly load groceries in their cars, and she loves being around people.

When news of the virus started and grocery stores were overwhelmed, I expressed concern over her working at HEB and hinted that maybe she needed to quit. Her response was: "They need me".

It is easy to celebrate when the sun is shining and our children are on stage being recognized for all their accomplishments. It's much harder to celebrate when we are feeling so much loss. But there is beauty in the mundane and my girl deserves to be celebrated, not just for her accolades, but for being a teenager who is drying her tears, going to work and serving the people in her community with a smile on her face.


My daughter has a servant's heart, which she has demonstrated over the years by helping friends edit their English essays, listening to friend's problems and helping her team become better dancers. Now, instead of helping her friends at school, she is serving our anxious community and I couldn't be prouder.

My daughter is learning to accept the fact that her senior year might be over and she won't be returning. Tears have been shed in our home over this sudden loss but through these tears she is still making new goals (hoping to move into a cashier position) and finding new ways to connect with her friends.

There is a saying that "April showers brings May flowers" but when I look at her, I realize, that I don't have to wait until May.


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