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Challenge: Parenting Resolutions

Why I No Longer Make New Year’s Resolutions

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I may not make resolutions but I still celebrate!

I used to love making New Year’s resolutions. My type A personality would make lists in order to achieve them, ok honestly I would even make lists for my lists. As I have gotten older I still make lists but I stopped making resolutions.

I am honestly not sure when I actually stopped, maybe as a new mom or during the pandemic. But at some point I made a conscious decision to truly make an effort to live each day to the fullest. I was reminded recently, during a conversation with a good friend, that life is short. In that moment I thought about what my prophetic grandma Irene would always say, “You already have a return ticket home, you just don’t know the date it’s stamped.” Now, I will say the phrase sounded much better in Italian, but the sentiment remains the same, life if short. As a loss mamma, I know that all too well.

Don’t make unrealistic, potentially unattainable resolutions. Just live each and every day to its fullest. Be Bold. Be Brave. Be Kind. Take Chances. Love with your whole heart. Remember that each day is a gift and live it in the present. Sure living in the moment makes life messy at times, but messy moments can become your most cherished memories.

Cheers to 2023!

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