Parents, you’ve got questions, we’ve got answers.

Or just as likely, we’ve got questions and you’ve got answers.

Challenge: Back to School 2021

Why Ask Why?

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I’ve been hosting the DO WIT podcast for a couple seasons and a few months ago I found myself asking a very important question …


Why am I doing this?

The recording of the podcasts had become inconsistent and my interest in even doing the show was fading. This was confusing to me so I asked another important question …

Why is this happening?

And then instead of just letting those two questions float around in my head, I decided to spend the time answering them.

The first round of answers were along the lines of ….. “I’m doing this because I should do it.” and “I’m inconsistent because my life has gotten busier.”

But I knew better than to accept those as the real answers. I know that doing something because you should isn’t always enough. And I also knew that being busy wasn’t a valid reason, since I was still managing to make time to watch my favorite shows and scroll on instagram.

So, I kept asking “Why?”

And then I starting asking “What?”

What would make me want to keep the podcast going?

What would make me want to be consistent?

And that’s when the fun began. I started answering honestly and figuring out that I wanted to take the show in a little bit of a different direction. Just the idea of making those tweaks began to reignite some passion and interest.

Now here I am with new episodes for Season 3 already recorded … updated branding … new team members … and answers and action behind asking the question ….”Why?”

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