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Challenge: My Dad Hero

To The Uncles That Step In As Dads

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This is the first year that my partner (Jonathan) and I celebrate our parent titles ever since we had our little 8-Month Old son.

And even though, it's his first Father's day, I don't believe it's his first rodeo.

In September of last year, Jonathan's oldest brother who was a single father of 3 little boys unexpectedly passed away. The next to kin was a very brokenhearted Grandmother. She was left to pick up the remaining pieces and step in as the main caretaker for those 3 boys. With overwhelming emotions and confusion, it was clear to everyone that she could not do it alone. She needed support, a village and most importantly, a male figure to be replaced in their lives.

As for the boys, they now have Uncle John as the only male figure in their life. And all the things the boys used to do with Dad, they now do with Uncle John and they love him for that.

So, thank you Uncle John,

For learning haircut tutorials online to cut the hairs of your nephews.

For taking them on long car rides just to get ice cream and treats.

For throwing birthday parties and taking them to the arcades.

For playing video games together.

For teaching them how to read.

For picking out new clothes so that they look fresh all the time.

For sharing old photos of you and your Brother and telling stories about how cool their father was and how much you use to look up to him.

For taking them in with open arms (like you always have) just as you were about to have a son of your own.

For teaching them manners and life lessons that will forever imprint the way they grow up.

For being there and loving them.

For stepping in and not backing down.

For needing them just as much as they need you.

We love you Uncle John,

From Carlos, Christian, Christopher, Jaden, Me and Mom.

So to the uncles that step in as dad's the way Uncle John has,

Thank you for loving your nephews and nieces as if they were your own.

Happy Father's Day

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