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Challenge: Bringing Home Baby: What Do You Wish You’d Known?

'Sleeping when baby is sleeping' is impossible when its your second child.

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That sleeping when baby is sleeping proves to be almost impossible when it's your second child. When baby is sleeping becomes mommy and older child time. Time to shower? Hahahahaha. Cleaning the house? Nope. Exercise? Never. 2 children isn't twice the work, it's 10 times the work. You thought you were tired after baby number one? You'll be amazed at how little sleep you can survive on. Even though you're more tired than you thought possible, and you're house is becoming a science experiment gone wrong, one smile from you're beautiful little humans is enough to make it all ok. This isn't going to last forever, so even though it might sound ludicrous when your stinky and tired, you will miss these moments.

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