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Challenge: Expert Advice

Please, just wear the mask!

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If you’re tired of COVID-19, clap your hands... If you’re sick of social distancing, stomp your feet...

I think it’s safe to say that we are all universally ready for the pandemic to be over. But unfortunately, it is not. In many places we are far from this health crisis being behind us.

Which brings me to this request: please, just wear the mask. I’ll wear it for you. Will you wear it for me?

Believe me, I resisted wearing a mask at first. And, if I’m being honest, I’m not 100% consistent now either, but I’m trying.

They are not cute, they are hot, and I do not like them. I hate it when my glasses fog up. I do not like the breakout on my chin. However, the alternative seems so much worse.

Our family has been among the fortunate so far not to contract COVID-19, hallelujah. Partially due to luck, and partially due to being careful. We’ve sacrificed so much already. We’ve missed graduations, confirmations, and dance recitals. We’ve carefully avoided grandparents, new babies, and backyard barbecues. All this for good reason.

As cases continue to be present while places and experiences reopen, I want so desperately for everything to be back to “normal”, but they are not.

Wearing a mask is a choice in most places in our community. And while they are not a silver bullet, most experts agree they are better than nothing. They may become our “new normal”.

For me, when I put my mask on, I think of a day soon when I’ll be able to hold my niece and hug my grandma. I think of fall, hopeful that our kids will get to go back to school and interact with their friends. I think of friends with health challenges, and their hope to do simple things like go to the grocery store.

I’ll wear one for you. Will you wear one for me?

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