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No More New Year Resolutions

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Did you know that you don't have to wait until January 1 to start new or refreshed resolutions? (Yeah, me neither...)

I frequently tell myself "I'll start on Monday" or "Next month..." or "After my birthday, I'll resolve to..." But I'm done stalling.

And I'm also done making New Year resolutions. This idea has never worked for me, and like telling myself that I'll start next week, it just doesn't stick. By January 15th, I've slipped backward and metaphorically kicked myself for not doing better. Then I stall out again.

Instead, change starts today.

I recently started reading a wonderful book by Rebekah Lyons called "Rhythms of Renewal: Trading Stress and Anxiety for a Life of Peace and Purpose" and I was immediately hooked by her practical guidance. My first thought was that I'd start the mindfulness practices in January - you know, because things are so busy right now with the holidays.

And then I did something truly crazy. I started on a Tuesday, on a date that did not start with a one!

Then, I had the privilege of participating in a health screening at work, and caught myself from telling the kind nurse that her scale was broken. My mind said, "note to self - start exercising in January and cutting back on sugar after Christmas", but instead, I'm going to do something radical, and start today. On a Thursday.

The larger message here, that I'm learning, is that I don't have to wait until tomorrow to do what I should do today. Continuing to put off things that will give me a healthier, arguably better life, shouldn't have to wait. We shouldn't allow ourselves, a culture of New Year resolutions, or anything else stand in the way of taking the next step.

What is that thing for you? Do you want to start exercising, or meditating in the morning? Or maybe you are excited about a new hobby or passion area. Do you want to read more, or reach out to family or friends you haven't connected with? Whatever this is for you; I encourage you not to wait until the New Year. Today is the day!

This post comes from the TODAY Parenting Team community, where all members are welcome to post and discuss parenting solutions. Learn more and join us! Because we're all in this together.