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Challenge: Parenting Resolutions

It’s Okay Not to Have a New Resolution in 2023

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When we think about a new year resolutions we often talk about as a fresh start, a time to create new resolutions and goals.

What if your goal hasn’t changed? What if you're still longing to become a parent? Whether you are currently going through fertility treatments or starting the family planning process, here are some resolutions that you may find helpful. Some are ones that I personally made when we were trying to expand our family and others are some I wish I had made.

  1. Breathe and be patient. Sure I know this sounds easier said than done, especially if you have been trying to expand your family for a while, suffering from secondary infertility, or had a pregnancy loss. Find an activity that that gives your mind a moment of peace. Going for a walk, sitting outside to feel the sunshine on your face, or meditating helped me.
  2. Journal. There are so many highs and lows on the road to becoming a parent. Writing down your thoughts not only can be cathartic but it also becomes a great keepsake, a record of your journey to reflect on.
  3. Date your partner! Its so easy for romance to simmer until when your trying to expand your family. Turn up the heat! Go out and be spontaneous. Have fun and laugh with your partner, laughing is a great stress relief.
  4. Find your individual support network. Whether it’s a formal support group or friends, find your “people.” This should be someone other than your partner to vent or to cry with. Having judgement free support when you need it most is priceless.

Above all remember to be kind to yourself! The road to becoming a parent can be a winding one at times so be kind to yourself and others.

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