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Challenge: Springtime Crafts for Kids

Is it time for baby (toddler)’s first haircut?

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This depends on your preferences; whether you’ve been wanting to get the hair out of their face (to escape any future booboos) or if you think they would look adorable with a cute new cut. I am a firm believer that all parents know what’s best for their own child.

We personally never thought about when we would cut our daughters hair for the first time. I know with a boy, we would’ve cut his hair as soon as it got too shaggy, but having a girl makes the decision a bit more difficult. I mean, you wouldn’t necessarily think to give your toddler a cut and balayage, right? (Can you say baby fringe? Too cute!) The topic has been one of conflict in our household; my husband, Chance, has a very strong attachment to her ‘baby hair’. Just recently we’ve decided to take the leap and get her bangs cut.

Now the next hurdle is to find someone who we trust enough to get near our babe with a pair of scissors. Luckily, there are some great family salons locally that will make this a bit easier. After consulting other experienced mommies, I’ve also found some helpful ideas to get our little ones to sit still and enjoy this milestone (successfully!).

  • “With my girls, we talked about how fun it was to have your hair done a little while beforehand, and when it was time, they were so excited! “- Jessica B.
  • “I was lucky and always had family that were cosmetologists but bribery goes a long way! “– Stephanie P.
  • “It really helps when you go to a children’s salon where they have the cars for chairs and bright colors. With my son, the salon we went to had screens inside the chairs for movies! “– Angela M.

Like Angela, we too went to a kid friendly salon with the cutest ‘car seats’ and all went wonderfully. She had fun picking out her own car and was amazed as she watched her hair fall onto the drape that was wrapped around her. It didn’t hurt that she was already late for her nap. By the time she was done having her hair messed with, she was ready to doze off. We had to pep it up a bit to show her what had happened!

Once she saw, she loved it and all our fears about this huge milestone just fell away. It’s truly funny how, as parents, we can build these things up in our heads so high, it seems scary! If you’re yet to meet this decision (or any other tough one by the way) I just want to say, everything is going to be fine, either way, and I know you will choose the right thing for YOUR family. Follow your instincts, they really know best! (At least as a momma! Lol)



Like always, thank you for reading! See you again soon!


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