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Challenge: Back to School 2021

I'm excited to send my kids back to school, and that's OK!

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It is almost time for back to school, and I for one cannot wait for my children to return to school. I know that may not be a popular opinion, but it is the truth! First let me start by saying I love my kids, but they need to get out of my house! I did not enjoy being their teacher, and the feeling was mutual. Even with the hybrid option for school, virtual learning was not enjoyable. There was yelling and tears, sometimes coming from my kids. My kids ended last year with good grades, but they missed out on so much more. I am excited for them to return to full-time in-person learning and all the perks that come along with it.

Like everyone else, I have my concerns. I worry about the safety of my children during this unknown time. Due to his age, my son cannot be vaccinated. I worry about the rising number of cases amongst children and I worry that we are putting my high-risk mother at a greater risk. I feel better knowing that our school will be requiring masks for students and staff regardless of vaccination status. I am putting my faith in our school that they will be doing everything in their power to protect our children.

With all of my fears, I still know this is the best decision for my family. My children thrive on being around other people. They are definitely extroverts. They need to be around people their own age to talk to. My teenage daughter is especially tired of talking to me, and I am equally tired of her showing me TikTok videos! They just miss their friends!

This year is my daughter is in eighth grade. She missed so many of her middle school experiences thus far. COVID cost her trips to New York and Washington, D.C., field trips and middle school dances. I will not have a school picture from seventh grade. I am saddened for the children, but never mad. These were all small sacrifices to keep her and other children safe. As worried as I am for their safety, I am excited for all of the memories they will get to make. I am excited for the friendships they will forge, and I can’t wait to watch them grow.

I know that every parent has to do what is best for their family. The decisions we make as parents are often tough. I personally second guess myself constantly. I will not judge anyone for their decisions. I am nervous to send my kids to school, and that is OK. I am also excited for my kids to return to school, and that is OK too!

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