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Challenge: Grinch challenge: Acts of Kindness

Ice Cream for all

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Last year, my son was in kindergarten. There was a particular boy in his classroom who always seemed to find trouble in any form or fashion. My gentle giant son was probably one of the few kids in the class that did not end up on the receiving end of his bullying. RJ took interest in him and started talking to the boy about being nice, and if his temper flared, RJ would try to talk him down. One day, RJ came home with a simple request that really touched my heart. He wanted to share his snack money so this particular boy could get ice cream. "He never has money for snack and he never gets ice cream and I know that makes him sad. I want to give him ice cream so he will have a good day." From that point on, I started sending extra money every week so he could have ice cream on ice cream day. It made me proud that RJ wanted to make a difference for this boy.

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