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Challenge: Life Changes

From Politics To Dad, Which is Messier?

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Being a veteran around 30 years old made me an older minority as I navigated college life in my pursuit of a BA in Political Science. My wife and I had been trying to become parents for over 5 years with no luck, so we had both decided to bury ourselves into our careers and education. Politics had always fascinated me, and I had used it as my focus for many school papers about a decade earlier in High School. As I neared my graduation everything was falling into place, with a high enough GPA to secure the honor of Magna Cum Laude and a paid job offer working for my preferred political party on a national level. All of this came blissfully to a halt when my wife and I found out that after a long and emotional journey we were expecting our first child. I still graduated Magna Cum Laude, but my future in politics took its new place on the back burner. My wife and I decided instead that I would stay at home with our son. We felt that me working a full time job just to afford daycare was a waste of important time with this little person we had tried so hard to create. I, very willingly, took on the uncommon role of 'Stay-At-Home Dad'. My son is 3 1/2 years old now, and we have also welcomed our second son to the world just under a year ago. I'm still a SAHD and I don't regret it for a second. Many might see my education as a waste, but I've learned that raising two children (especially boys) is not much different than navigating the world of politics. I'm not sure at all what my future holds as far as politics is concerned, but what I do know is that I am currently working the most challenging and rewarding job of my 35 years.


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