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Are you a mom who also puts out little fires?

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Some days I feel like all I do is put out little fires…

Little fires echoing through the house over leggings, socks, and hair bands.

Little fires over who gets the car for the day or who needs to clean the bathroom.

Little fires over why a dish can’t be put in the dishwasher and how it is possible to have a certain mound of dirty laundry when it was just done hours ago.

Little fires over private time without someone barging in unannounced or wanting a certain spot on the couch.

Honestly, I thought at this point in time some of the little fires would resolve on their own…

friends, I am here to tell you the little fires follow me around all day.

I am ready most mornings, with my armor on, to tackle the day ahead. Some days it’s easy but other days I am engulfed by the little fires surrounding me, encompassing my whole being, barely able to breathe.

So, when do the little fires burn out?

Who knows…

Little fires… will I miss this one day?
Not so sure.

Will I miss the ones starting the fires? Absolutely!

Don’t get me wrong, I love my little fires starters but some days I simply need a break from putting the fires out.

So for now, I’ll take the fire starters and love them with all of my being.

It’s simply all I can do as their mom… love them each and every day.

Hang in there mama ❤️

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