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Challenge: Halloween Parade

A nice family meal!!

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My son had a rough first year of life, he has severe MSPI and was unable to eat solid foods until 13 months of age. He was hospitalized and we all just really struggled as a family and became so strong in everything we overcame!! It was the best challenge we could have ever encountered. We never got a chance to take a normal family photo together, so this year for halloween, to memoralize my son overcoming his food challenges and our ability as a family to overcome struggle through laughter I decided to handmake our costumes so we could be "a nice family meal". My son, Kalo is spaghetti and meatballs on a table, I'm parMommysan cheese and daddy is Dadgu, rich and meaty pasta sauce. I spent about 6 weeks making our costumes and all I asked of daddy was to grab some red or brown pants, he said he forgot.... he said no one would notice..... But it really just adds to the entire humor of the photo!!!


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