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Challenge: Finding Your Village

3 Tools You can use to Uncover Information About Your New Neighbors

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It is okay to feel uneasy about new neighbors because you do not know them, but this is your community now. Your children might play or walk around in the neighborhood, so being as careful as you can is your duty to your household. The following are three tools you can use to find out some information about your neighbors.

1. Community Application

A great tool you can use to your advantage is the Nextdoor app or application. This little tool was launched not too long ago, and it helps small communities like yours get to know your neighbors. The application is powered by the people within your community that subscribe to it.

Each person that joins the platform has to sign up, and part of this process involves exposing personal information about a person's past that others might be interested in knowing. It is an invasive application, but it is a necessary sacrifice so that everyone in a community knows each other.

Try to get everyone involved in this platform, including future neighbors so that you can find out things that might worry you, such as criminal past. Hopefully, you find nothing wrong and continue to feel good about your community.

2. Public Records Search

Sometimes getting people to participate in a community platform can be hard. You cannot force people to get involved, and you cannot sign up for them. This might make it seem like you have no way of finding out about your new neighbors, but that is not the case. You can always access online public records using the correct online tools.

These records are public, so there is nothing wrong with searching for information on those new neighbors of yours. All you really need is a person's name, which should not be too hard to find out. The right site should provide information on criminal history, including the kinds of crimes that might have been committed.

Granted, this might feel a little strange to do, but you are merely trying to protect your family and your community. Again, this may prove to be an unnecessary step since your neighbors will probably just be great people to live next door to.

3. Online Search Directories

Sometimes it is hard to find a person's name in order to do a proper check on him or her. Perhaps you never catch your new neighbors outside or the person simply did not say his or her name. Do not fret, there is a way to find out a person's name in no time online.

All you have to do is type in your neighbor's address on the lookup site or even try to find them on Facebook. You are going to be able to pull up your neighbor's name, and you can use this name to continue your research. The service is free, so you do not have to worry about paying for this information.

Like before, hopefully there is nothing to discover, but it is better to be safe than sorry. Do not be afraid to share any information that you find with other neighbors so that everyone is aware of any criminal history should you find something. This makes you a positive asset to your community, and it keeps everyone safe.

Now, you know a few simple ways to find out more about the people who just moved into your neighborhood. There is no need to worry for days or act suspicious trying to figure out who these new neighbors are. You can easily do this with a few simple clicks on your computer.

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