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Challenge: Family Favorites


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Born in Ireland and raised in NY, I have fond memories of tea time with warm and flakey scones served with butter. My mother's passion for baking and entertaining has been for sure passed down to me. My passion for food, fellowship and family shines through in every aspect of my life. It has been said, a seat at my table is often akin to a global culinary and design adventure......



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My sweet Mother’s recipe

1 ½ cups flour

¼ sugar

pinch of salt

3 teaspoons baking powder

½ stick of butter cut into ½” squares keep cool in fridge

¼ cup of milk

1 tblspn of heavy cream

1 egg, 1 egg yoke

½ cup golden raisins

put flour, baking powder, sugar and salt in a bowl and mix well….

Chop cold butter into pieces and add to flour. Rub butter and

Flour quickly to make blend….do not over mix/rub

In another bowl mix cream, milk and 2 eggs (save yoke for the end)….add to flour mixture…

Mix in raisins.

Flatten out mixture onto a floured cutting board or just roll 2” pieces onto a cookie sheet.

Brush egg yoke on top of each scone

Bake @ 350 for approx.. 25 minutes

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