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Challenge: Stretched Too Thin

You've Got this Mama: Change your Mind, Change your Life!

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Oh heaven help me! I literally spend the majority of my time overwhelmed, overworked, and spinning in circles trying to figure out which fire to put out next. I feel like I can never get ahead, never move forward. For every step in the right direction, I seem to take two steps backward.

I don't want to live like this. It's a miserable, frustrating existence.


There is hope though!

It's how you look at things. Mindset is where it's at!

The quote in the title, "Change your mind. Change your life." is helping me so much. I have no idea where I heard it for the first time, but it's something that runs through my head a hundred times a day.

I can look at the huge pile of dishes and immediately feel discouraged and defeated.

Or, I can say, "I'm so grateful my kids have full bellies. We had a great meal tonight." And then I can pop on my headphones, turn on a great podcast, and scrub-a-dub!


Really though, that example seems so trivial, but if you go about your day aware that your mindset affects how you think, feel, and behave, then you are far more likely to work to re-frame those thoughts and find a more positive outlook.

Look, I get it. Parenting children is exhausting. I've got four kids. We homeschool. Three of my kids have medical needs. I'm pursuing a freelance writing career. And my family is preparing for a cross-country move.

My plate is full.

I truly DO spend so much of my time feeling like I can't quite get my head above water.

The more I repeat this simple phrase to myself throughout the day though, the more I'm changing my mind, and in turn, changing my life!


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