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What is a Brazilian butt lift?

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A Brazilian butt lift is a form of buttocks augmentation that takes adipose tissue (fat cells) from one part of the body and places it into the buttocks region to create a fuller look. This is a method that avoids the use of artificial materials such as implants, and has the advantage of using your own connective tissue to carefully shape and augment the buttocks region of the body.

It is a big advantage to use your own tissues because implants are foreign material and thus have an increased risk of infection and may even sag over time. The other disadvantage of implants is they often look less natural than buttocks augmentation done using adipose tissue.
The Brazilian butt lift has become more popular in recent years among women looking to improve their appearance. In fact, over 20,000 butt lift procedures were completed in the United States in 2017 alone. To find out more about the Brazilian butt lift offered in Turkey you can visit the Vera Clinic


How the Brazilian butt lift is done
The procedure is normally done under general anesthesia unless only a very small amount of adipose tissue is to be removed in which case a local anesthetic may be used instead. Liposuction is initially done to remove the fatty tissue from the parts of the body where there is an excess, for example, the thighs or stomach region. This fat is then processed first before being re-injected into the person’s body. The benefit of this method is also that it simultaneously eliminates fat from areas where it is a problem while also improving the overall appearance of the person’s buttocks region.
The procedure only works if you have enough body fat elsewhere to harvest though, which means that women who are very thin are unlikely to be able to have a successful outcome with this procedure. Silicone implants may be the only option for these women.
What are the risks of the Brazilian butt lift?
The risks of having a Brazilian butt lift are low if you have the procedure done in a reputable, certified clinic which has experienced and qualified physicians.
The butt lift can be dangerous, but these problems generally are the result of unqualified or inexperienced physicians performing the work. Complications can include a fat embolism in which a piece of fat ends up in the blood stream.
This fat can end up being deposited in the blood vessel causing a blockage, most often this happens in the lungs which can be deadly. A fat embolism occurs when fat is injected into a blood vessel by accident. This reinforces the importance of selecting experienced physicians. Provided you select a reputable clinic with qualified professionals, the risk of complications from having buttocks augmentation procedures such as the Brazilian butt lift will be very low.
Who is a good candidate for a Brazilian butt lift?
A person who is suitable for this procedure is someone who is healthy and is not excessively underweight or overweight. Although the person has to have a certain amount of extra fat available for extraction and grafting, too much body fat is a concern.
This is because people who are obese tend to have a range of health problems and this increases many of the risks of complications when undergoing surgery. It is, however, good if there is enough excess fat in the regions like the hips or thighs so that extraction can be safely done. Physicians also state that the presence of loose tissue in the buttocks region is advantageous when it comes to the grafting of fat into the region.
Any type of cosmetic procedures has risks associated with it, which is why you need to be sure that you maintain a good state of health and follow a healthy diet if you are planning to have work done.
People who smoke or are, in general, unhealthy are not good candidates for the Brazilian butt lift. This is because this is a major medical procedure and if you are not in good health, the risk of an adverse event or complication increases. Smoking is bad because it reduces the ability of the body to heal which is also important when you have any surgical procedure done.

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