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​This is for the middle-of-the-road mama

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This is for the middle-of-the-road mama.

The one who doesn't always take the high road but is sure to never lay in her lows for too long.

The one who serves up average on a paper plate 'cause all the nice dishes are still in the sink waiting for her to clean them.

The one who is an admitted, proud and consistent member of the B team.

The one who knows that every peak has a valley, and every valley a peak, so she anxiously rides the line that is the equator between the two.

The one with a middle schooler. Lord, give her strength.

The one whose strength ebbs and flows, as does her mood and energy level.

The one who's raising a middle child to feel like anything but the cliche that is being one.

The one who yells when she's mad. And when she's proud.

The one who wants quiet but has no freakin' idea what to do when she's got it.

The one who doesn't always get it right. But doesn't always get it wrong.

The one who knows that the only wrong way to parent is to parent in a way that doesn't feel natural to you.

The one who is trying damn hard to make positive parenting feel natural to her.

The one who knows that a parent doesn't have to feel positive every freakin’ second of every freakin' day.

The one who tries to stay hopeful and optimistic, each day, anyway.

This is for the middle-of-the-road mama.

May we be one.

May we know some.

May everyone support 'em.

This post comes from the TODAY Parenting Team community, where all members are welcome to post and discuss parenting solutions. Learn more and join us! Because we're all in this together.