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Challenge: Kids with Special Needs

The Day She Realizes Her Brother Is Autistic

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Some days I wonder about the day when she'll realize how different their relationship is.

Realize that most little sisters didn't speak for their almost 7-year-old brothers, or explain things to their older brothers when they are just 3 years old.

Realize her friends did not usually make sure someone was holding their older sibling's hand when crossing the street.

Realize not all sisters rushed to tell their brothers to take a deep breath or assure them that it would be OK when they were having a meltdown.

Realize the number of times she was quickly handed off to a family member while mom or dad had to attend to her brother.

Realize how often she had to leave somewhere early because it was too hard for her brother.

In some ways I fear that day. Will she resent us? Or worse, him?

I hope not.

When that day comes I hope she can see how amazing that she was and is.

That she knows no one ever asked her to do those things. She just did them, and that is astounding.


When it all becomes too much, I pray she knows that while she is a defender of and a comforter for her brother, she is just as important and just as loved.

I hope she sees the road she's traveling isn't easy for either of them, but they will both be better people because they have each other.

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