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The Challenges Of Being A Female Sports Fan

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In the modern world, there is more concern than ever about gender equality. There are more media reports than ever about organizations and corporations that are seeking to close the gender pay gap. In France, there has even been a plan unveiled that aims to actively close this gap in 2018, in hopes to improve transparency. The rise of the “Me Too Movement” has also highlighted issues with regards to how men exploit money and power in the workplace of all sorts of sectors, of course. However, for female sports fans, there is still an idea that we are out of our depth, or that we “don’t belong”.

However, as a mother who has appreciated basketball and football for years, I refuse to let stereotypes define my interests and passions. Here are some challenges about being a female sports fan that I have encountered and endured.


I don’t have much of an issue with men being surprised at the amount of sports knowledge that I know. I pride myself on knowing about the latest sports announcements, to the point where I even keep my male friends up to date. However, one challenge that I have endured is men that try to mansplain a sport to me when I already know it inside and out. It’s condescending, even if it’s small talk. Of course, I have learned to curb my frustration, and explain to men quickly that I am an avid sports fan - but that doesn’t change how annoying that it can be.


One thing that is tough as a single mother is finding a man that is okay with my enthusiasm for sports. The truth is that many men like to have “guy time” when they are watching the game, and that means time away from the wife or girlfriend. It certainly has hurt my feelings in the past when men that I have dated know that I am interested in sports, but don’t invite me out “with the guys”. While there are some guys that have liked that I love sports as much as they do, the truth is that it can be a source of tension when it comes to a love life. Of course, it all depends on the person.

“Impressing” Others

One of the most frustrating things about being a sports fan is the fact that men think that I am trying to impress them. It’s hard for them to believe that I actually might be interested in sports for myself, and because I actually enjoy watching and keeping up with sports. Of course, after some conversation, and the fact that I can rattle off recent announcements and Oklahoma Thunder stats usually convinces them. Men often aren’t used to the idea that females can actually enjoy competition and hometown pride, and those are two of the main reasons that sports fans exist!


There are also those who think that since I am a woman, that I must be physically or attracted to certain players, and that’s the only reason that I am interested in sports. While it is true that there are women that are attracted to professional sports players because of various reasons, whether it’s their athleticism or the fact that they make a lot of money - that isn’t the case with me. I can truly appreciate the art and skill involved with being amazing at a certain sport, and it has nothing to do with being “attached” to players at all. Of course, men often dismiss this idea, and it can be frustrating. However, this certainly will not stop my love for sports, and for cheering for the teams and players that I believe in.

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