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"Spring" Forward Safely With These Electrical Tips

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By now, you’ve undoubtedly noticed that a change is in the air.

Whether it’s setting your clocks ahead (and getting used to the new schedule that event brings), or the addition of outdoor chores to your “Honey-do” list, or even the renewed opportunity the warmer weather presents to get outside and play… the tell-tale signs of Spring are evident everywhere.


Perhaps you have a schedule of annual or semi-annual matters you like to handle around season-changing time each year. Spring cleaning. Automotive maintenance. Maybe even an adjustment to your daily physical fitness routine.

An important item to add to that list, especially when Spring is in the air, is to double-check the electrical safety in and around your home.

As the long winter’s melt begins to accelerate… as you and your loved ones start to spend more time outside… the arrival of Spring is a great time to give your home’s electrical system a fresh look.

Inside and out!

Time To Refresh Yourself On Outdoor Power Safety…

As you start to tackle your Springtime outdoor chores, keep in mind the basics of personal safety around outdoor electricity.

Be aware of the power lines on and around your property, and treat all electrical lines (even low-voltage lines) with great respect. Remember not to climb a ladder near overhead lines… be extra-careful trimming trees… and, of course, call your electricity provider before doing any digging, to make doubly-sure you won’t hit any buried electrical cables.

The caution you’ll use with power tools – saws, trimmers, mowers, and the like – should extend to the power cords you use with them. Make sure you’re using only insulated cords designed for The Great Outdoors. Check all tools and cords for fraying and wear. Remember to keep those cords away from water, and don’t mow the grass when it’s still wet from the inevitable Spring showers you’ll start seeing more frequently.

Planting a tree or shrub? Installing a shed or playground equipment? Make sure you keep those things away from the big green box in the yard which holds your home’s electrical system components. At some point, utility workers will need to have good access to that box.

Speaking of power pros, the arrival of Spring is a great time to schedule an appointment with your electrician to examine (and refresh, if necessary) the outdoor electrical system on your property. From landscape lighting to water features, your outdoor power needs periodic attention.

And if the kids like to fly kites or play with remote-controlled aircraft toys, make sure they can keep those things away from the overhead power lines. It’s never a good idea to use a kite with any metallic elements. And if any kind of toy does get tangled in the overhead wires, don’t try to free it yourself… call the pros at the utility company!

… And Don’t Forget A Fresh Look At The Power Inside

One of the best things you can do to keep your family safe is to have a qualified electrician check your home’s electrical system, from the breaker box to the wiring and lighting, once or twice a year.

You want to learn of any potential hazards lurking in your system – and have them corrected – long before you (or someone else in your family) discovers them “the hard way.”

Beyond that, here are some good safety measures you’ll want to address periodically (and the change of seasons is as good a time as any to check off the list):

  • Make sure countertop appliances are plugged into GFCI outlets. Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCI) are essential to keeping things safe in the kitchen, where electricity and water are frequently used in close proximity to each other.
  • Think electrical safety while Spring cleaning. How long has it been since you’ve deep-cleaned your stovetop and range hood? How about vacuuming the coils on the back of the fridge? What about your dryer ducts? Your electrician can help you remember all the places that might need Spring cleaning attention in order to minimize the chance of an electrical fire.
  • Check your light fixtures and light bulbs. Make sure nothing “sizzles” when you turn it on, and that all the bulbs you’re using are of equal or lower wattage than what’s recommended for the lighting fixture.
  • Take a fresh look at your outlets. Make sure you aren’t overloading any circuits, and that your power strips and surge protectors are in good working order.

Is your home ready for the warmer months? Time to “spring” into action and take stock of the electrical system on your property, both inside and out. Get ready to enjoy the nice weather! And, as always, think “safety first” to maximize your enjoyment of the season.

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