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​Not all moms are depressed

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Not all moms are depressed.

That’s a lie that’s been exacerbated by the written and televised media.

And that’s not to say that some aren’t.

Or that it if you are, you should feel ashamed.

Hell no.

Mental health is an ‘effin beast and staying on top of yours and staying “good,” it’s an uphill battle, daily, and a feat.

And props to anybody who has the courage to say “I’m not alright” but also “I’m doing the things I need to do to fix that and that starts with acknowledging the stinky elephant that’s sucking the color and life out of every room I walk into.”

That being said,

I’ll get back right back to my contention that


It’s just that we ain’t allowed to have bad moods anymore or (god forbid) multiple moods in a short time span OR

we are labeled.

“She’s so sad all the time.”

“Nope, Jim, actually I’m not sad. I’m just tired. Do you smile when you’re tired, Jim? No? Didn’t think so.”

“She’s got resting B face”

“Nope, Kim. This is just my face. The one God blessed me with. I guess he blessed you a tendency to be judgy and rude??”

“She’s always complaining.”

“Yep. I’m a complainer. But complain so I don’t internalize. I’m vocal about my gripes and grievances because when I release them from my mouth, I release them from my being and that opens up room for joy and gratitude.”

“I heard she cries a lot. Normal people don’t do that.”

Well, Rob, first off, I don’t care about being normal. Haven’t ya heard - it’s overrated. Secondly, I feel much better after a good cry. And I only care how my crying makes ME feel, NOT how it makes YOU feel.”

“She’s crazy, that one.”

“All the good ones are, my friends. All the good ones are.”

“Why she always be so mad??”

I ain’t mad, damn it! I’m just BUSY and trying to keep this family train of mine on the tracks, so choochoo and pretty please move out of my way.”

“She sure likes her wine.”

“Yes, Kelly, I do. And I like to eat blocks of cheese in a single sitting and I have a french fry problem and some days I drink coffee like it’s water, but guess what? I also exercise every day and pray everyday and I ain’t perfect like you, but I’m perfectly okay with that.”

“She’s a nut.”

“Nut gonna argue with you on that one and nut gonna let you convince me that’s a problem.”

The only problem I’ve picked up on is the tendency for moms to get a bad wrap.

How about wrapping us in love?

Wrapping us in support.

Wrapping us in encouragement.

Wrapping us in appreciation.

Wrapping us (and each of our oh so many personalities) in


‘Cause you understand that being a mama is hard work and that each and every woman that is one, is doing her goddamn best, and that sometimes our best leaves us lookin’ a little wrecked.

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