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Long Term Health and Family Habits

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These days, many of the traditional norms of the past are changing.

When I was younger, I remember both of my parents thinking that I should be on the heavier side, so that I "could be healthy." These days, we feel that this is not true but it is interesting because we are still seeing many differences between the ways we view health vs. junk food for our families.

There were days in the past where doctors actually suggested that cigarettes were healthy and so it should not be entirely surprising that we see revisions in the majority health views even today.

For the most part, I try to make sure that my kids eat a piece of fruit and a vegetable every day and I do not think it is a good idea to eat right before bed. I do not hold my children to the same standards when my parents assessed my and my lifestyle as a child. These days are changing, and it is important for parents to read up on the healthy foods on a regular basis.

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