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I will never burn out on this - or them

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When I was growing up, the plan was to be on Broadway.

To be the next "Cosette" singing "Castle on a Cloud" to a room full of adoring fans who would, without a doubt, gleefully deliver me a standing ovation


Well, my plan, anyway.


at some point

-- actually, I know the exact point, and it's when I realized that

I couldn't sing, AND I have performance anxiety --

I burnt out.

And with that burnout came lots of car ride renditions of the ENTIRE soundtrack of Les Miserables and me belting at the top of my lungs for no audience other than my annoyed siblings and understanding (but similarly annoyed) parents.

When I was growing up, the plan was to play professional soccer for the United States Women's National Soccer Team.

Well, my plan, anyway.

Then, at some point

-- actually, I know the exact point,

and it's when I went to college to play --

I burnt out.

And with that burnout came the clarity that I had no desire to be waking up each day at the ass crack of dawn to run a 5-minute-or-under mile and that I'd prefer to walk my newly-independent self a mile down the road to stock up on late-night treats and the kind of beverages I was, indeed, not of age to be consuming.

When I was growing up, the plan was to become a well-paid lawyer.

Well, my plan, anyway.

One that my very kind parents financially backed.

Then, at some point

-- actually, I know the exact point, and it was during my first year at law school when my first semester low grades landed me on academic probation --

I burnt out.

And with that burnout came the clarity that the only thing I wanted to work on was my new marriage. AND the only thing I wanted to study,
day in and day out,

was my hunky husband's




well, honestly,

all of him.

When I was growing up, the plan was to become a wife and mommy.

My plan, anyway.

That was ALWAYS the plan.

To find a man who loved me well and to make precious babies with him.

To then raise those most special babies into better people than the both of us.

Then, at some point

-- actually, I know the exact point, and it's when I looked into each of my children's eyes for the first time --

I realized,

I will never burn out on this.

Or them.

Not in a million years.

Not in a bajillion lifetimes.

Can the days be taxing? Sure.

But this is one plan and dream of mine that every day I thank the good Lord and my lucky stars I get to live out.

To live side by side with such unique, incredible humans who, in turn, make me a better one.


when I was growing up,

all I ever REALLY wanted was to be a wife and a mommy.

And look at me now, I’ve done it!

Wife to one.

Mama to three.

Forever grateful to all four for loving me back.

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