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How to choose a best baby stroller-transformer

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Going soon become parents? Already you know how to choose stroller transformer for a newborn? No? Then this publication is for you. - best baby doll stroller – Buyer’s Guide and Reviews .

Active and mobile parents, as well as residents of cities often opt for wheelchair-transformer, rather than the classic best stroller for a newborn.

Why? Firstly, stroller-transformer - is no worse than in functionality than the classic baby stroller, crib, and secondly, its structure, at times, much more convenient, and thirdly, having bought a stroller convertible, parents are, in fact, the functional two - strollers reviews for baby up to 6 months and stroller from six months and up to 3 years. The price is not worth two separate carriages.

On what basis to choose the wheelchair-transformer Types of strollers-transformers

But how to choose a pram-transformer? Variations best strollers-transformers in the market very much, once a reservation is often carriages 2-in-1, 3-in-1 (which includes a cradle unit, walking and / or car seat) may call the wheelchair-transformer. This is partly true: such wheelchairs can turn their best stroller for the baby in the stroller. They are also called modular , because at the Chair 2-in-1-one chassis base, which are fastened separately on the desired blocks, modules queue.

However, the "clean" version of the wheelchair-transformer - it is when the carriage is transformed from cradle stroller with a special mechanism, without separation, the cradle unit.

Choose a stroller-transformer: an example of a modular stroller

3-in-1 modular stroller-transformer

How to choose a stroller transformer: clean example of convertible stroller

"True" transformer

Wheelchair-transformer using the manipulation handle, back, side steps and supports the bumper is transformed into another type of wheelchair.

These types of wheelchairs are also different price: they are a little more expensive conventional - it combines the functions of two carriages. But there is no need to purchase 2 strollers: after a 6-month old baby stroller needs with the position sitting.

Wheelchair Transformers: what to choose, what to look for?

Different brands offer their solutions, which can be different frame construction, wheel mounting, the type of shock absorber, handles, and many others. But it is important the following:

-weight strollers . It should not be more than 13 kg - in the ideal. Though available strollers-transformers weigh 15-16kg.

There are models large enough - because of the design features seem cumbersome. Functionality requires this kind, with the stroller does not have to weigh a lot: branded manufacturers offer aluminum alloy frame, not super-large but stable wheels. In general, choose the model of good weighing up to 13 kg.

Of course, interesting to look at prams and lungs, most often, the European manufacturers. So, Chicco The brand - one of the most popular manufacturers, which creates ergonomic, comfortable and very practical stroller transformers. They regularly fall into the tops of the best.

How to choose a stroller-transformer? Chicco Urban-universal versionSimplicity (and reliability) of the folding recumbent position in walking options

If unfolding strollers require you much effort - you should not choose it.

Example folding "book": choose a stroller-transformerOn the other hand, plastic buttons miracle by which quickly folded stroller - also do not inspire confidence. You must select a cross - in any case, the transformation should be quiet, smooth and easy. Thus, you do not wake the child had fallen asleep on the way, but quietly and gently lower the back and straighten the bandwagon for the child comfort.

-Multiple positions back - the more the better (up to 4)

Since the age of 4 months, depending on individual development, more and more kids are awake, stroller and with a slight slope on the walk will help them get acquainted with the surrounding world. Sit fully so you can not even crumbs and accumbency that gives wheelchair-transformer with multiple back positions - it's convenient, and her mother, which is not necessary to carry a child on a regular basis in the "kangaroo" -ryukzachke or hands.

Maximum flat and rigid bottom , with the seat belts, which do not interfere in the supine position, but provide the necessary infant safety.

Pay attention, as the manufacturer has implemented safety-belt anchorages: the main thing that they do not interfere with the child and carried directly on his appointment. Remember that for a newborn, you can always put a desired stiffness, soft mattress.

-the presence of reflectors

For many, this seems a secondary option, but reflectors have an important function - in the dark, you'll definitely noticeable riding machines. Walking also have and in the dark - for example, in the autumn-winter. All known European leaders supplying its products with reflective inserts for the production of baby carriages.

-Good wheel. Ideally - inflatable, rubber, big.

How to choose a stroller-transformer? Correct wheel strollerTransformers is often praised for the excellent quality of rover: the surface is not critical for them. Therefore, for the town residents are wheelchair - a better solution than the graceful carriage-cradle or 2-in-1. However, if the wheel base in the chosen model fits into the elevator, or an apartment on the 1st floor, - transformers, and also good for the citizens. Current models are often very lightweight inflatable wheels - refer to the specifications of the wheel weight.

-manevrennost - availability of rotary wheels and the ability to capture, if necessary.

Rotating the wheel on a smooth road - very convenient, easy to manage a stroller, do not make an effort. But not all models are equipped with this feature. It should be considered.

There are also models with 3 wheels , with 4 and with 6, wherein one pair of wheels is in duplicate pair together -by small wheels.

How to choose a stroller-transformer: three-wheeled version of the transformer Sweet Baby Bair Rush

Three-wheeled should have large wheels, inflatable - for better stability. How convenient to roll the stroller and run - test in the store means. Select carriages exclusively with inflatable wheels is possible in this section:

- Easy to brake . They should be not only effective, but also practical: the foot should simply get, or else to handle wheelchairs bolzhen be a separate brake lever.

-vodoottalkivayuschaya impregnated fabric , the ability to detach to the maximum winter protection, presence-Veins inserts, windows in the hood.

strollers Color basic, if all the fabric parts can not detach - then you have to choose the option non-staining. Still looking for models where the manufacturer provides the possibility of removing the interior trim for washing and cleaning outside the tissue parts: hood, side, capes, protective bumper.

How to choose a stroller-transformer: an example of a comfortable stroller Geoby C990-Comfortable and functional hood, quietly and smoothly foldout

Imperfect hood design is not only unnecessary irritation mom, but can wake the baby. The hood must be convenient to unpack, to protect from the sun, wind, rain, have a little window, preferably with the grid, and be silent.

-availability protection, raincoat, mosquito nets, warm boot.

Mosquito Net pram-transformerThese attributes of modern prams - "Cap evidence" must be accompanied by a model by default. The only thing you pay attention - the color of the mosquito net even better will be bright, not black - as though it may seem stylish. Raincoat should be odorless and have a comfortable-zipper, a window.

How to choose a stroller convertible -dozhdevik on transformer- Sufficiently spacious shopping bag . Look how much space is provided for the transport of the necessary things or shopping. When you are traveling child, convenient, hands-free to a large basket - always a huge plus.

What is important when choosing koyaki-transformer: an example in the stroller basket Aro TeamOverall, wheelchair-transformers more pluses than minuses: they are universal (for children from 0 up to 3 years), functionality, reliability, in terms of saving the budget - and cheaper than 2 separate. Their prices have a very wide range: they are accessible to many, there are plenty to choose.

Of the minuses - perhaps not all the models look elegant as modular model 2-in-1, and a wide base wheels (62 cm) is not suitable for every lift. Plus, some models have a considerable weight - which is not the way to single moms.

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