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Challenge: Open Discussion

Dear LulaRoe: One Mom Says What We're All Thinking

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Dear LulaRoe,

I am a busy mom. I don’t have time to shop. And yeah, online shopping can be done occasionally, but even that turns into a disaster most days. I really like what I see in the 2 minutes of Facebook scrolling I do between work, play groups, doctors appointments etc., but by the time I get back to your “VIP Group” that required me to “Friend” someone that I am not even friends with on Facebook, everything is all tangled and I can’t find “Carly” or “Irma” or whoever the heck that girl is?!
Then I read the comments and find that there are women hunting “unicorns!?” Needless to say, I am confused, tired and LulaRoe-less because YOU DON’T HAVE A WEBSITE that I can visit on my own time, and just simply click an “Add to Cart” button and BUY THE DANG DRESS named after some girl I don’t know.
Also, your leggings are so pretty and I just happened to land a pair of black ones as a gift. They really are smooth like butter, but I didn’t realize the madness that would ensue as your name and the names of your girl gang became household. If I had known that, then I would have bought Carly, Irma, Julia – THE WHOLE SQUAD! But instead I am left scrolling past a cute pair of leggings just to realize the reason I am seeing them is because someone commented, “SOLD” on them!
I understand that exclusivity is awesome. I remember showing up to the first day of school in the same outfit as Ashley Connors. But I am a grown-### woman now and if someone else has the same pair of buttery soft and beautiful leggings as I do, I would most-likely give her a big high five and mad props, because landing those babies requires blood sweat and tears.
So yeah, love your stuff – It’s so pretty on my Facebook- just wish it could be pretty on this tired, out of style, not so Facebook group savvy mama.
Mama just wants a Carly.
P.S. Don’t get me started on your sizing. What if I am tall and NOT curvy?! #TheStruggleIsReal

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