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Dear Daughter: If Considering Marriage, Consider This First

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Dear Daughter,

When we talk about marriage, we use phrases like, “happily ever after,” but life isn’t always happy. There are plenty of times characterized by sunshine and still, clear waters. And daughter, as your mother, I wish these times would follow you all of your days. But the truth is, is that no one leaves this earth without having to cross turbulent seas.

When dating, if considering marriage, I hope you choose someone who makes your happy times even more so, but I also hope you’ll think about who you can suffer with.

I hope you find someone who would do anything for you and you in turn for him. I hope you find someone who will put you above himself and you for him. Find the one who will fight to see your dreams come true and in turn you for him.

And if you find this person, dear daughter, he will love you so much, that he will hurt to see you hurt. And there, you will find comfort in the midst of hard.

Dear daughter, I wish life would be more like the fairytales we read at night, but since it is not, my hope for you is this: that you find someone who loves you so completely, who you love equally as much, so that when bad times come, you can hold each other together when it feels as if everything else is falling apart.

All My Love,

This microblog originally appeared on Jillian Benfield's Facebook page- follow her for more writings.

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