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Balancing Work and Life for Busy Working Moms

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Working moms are often faced with the dilemma of choosing between their careers and their families. And it is not easy to balance work and family life. But there are some things that they can do to make this summer a little more manageable.

Technology executives, mothers, and authors of the newly released book Pressing ON As A Tech Mom: How Tech Industry Mothers Set Goals, Define Boundaries & Raise the Bar for Success Emilia M. D’Anzica and Sabina M. Pons know something about balancing work with family during the summer. As busy working mothers in the technology industry, they balance work and life by taking care of themselves and their children.

Here are some ways that working moms can balance work with family this summer:

- Schedule time off at the same time every week. This way, you will be able to spend time with your kids while still being able to fulfill your professional obligations.

- Take care of yourself by getting enough sleep, eating healthy food, and taking care of your mental health.

It's more important than ever to take care of yourself. How can you be there for others if you don't have the time or energy? Self-care is an investment in your mental and emotional health, which will pay off for years to come.

- Spend time with your kids by doing things that they enjoy like playing games or going for walks in the park.

Studies show that children are more receptive to people and engage more in their activities when they spend time with their parents. It is a perfect opportunity to bond with them while getting an insight into what they like and want to do. Play games, cook together, go for walks in the park or even just spend time talking about what they did at school or what happened during the day.

If you're looking for more ways to spend time with your family this summer, you should also consider going on vacation!

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