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5 Heartwarming Ideas for a Stay-at-Home Vacation

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Mother Playing with her Daughter

Who says you need to travel far away to have fun? A stay-at-home vacation can be great too. And it has the benefit of not forcing you to stay dozens of hours cooped up inside a car, nor will you have to deal with all the hassle of going through an airport. Your vacation can start when you get home from work and kick off your shoes. If you’re afraid you won’t be able to keep yourself entertained at home, this article is for you.

Here are some heartwarming ways to keep yourself entertained at home. “Heartwarming,” in this context, means stuff that will make you feel warm and fuzzy inside. After all, a vacation isn’t just about resting your body. It’s about giving your mind a much-needed dose of joy as well.

1 - Check some childhood classics

If you grew up watching TV, there is a good chance you no longer remember many of the cartoons you used to watch as a kid. But those memories are still there, lingering in your brain, and going back to watch those shows will be a trip down memory lane like you’ve never had before. You should be able to find most of those shows on streaming services, or you can go old-school and order some DVDs online.

Check a list of cartoons that were airing during the years you grew up. Seeing the posters too many of those shows will likely jolt some memories. And suppose you grew up watching some classic anime alongside western animation. In that case, there are plenty of guides online that help you re-watch those shows while skipping the filler episodes, as this Naruto Shippuden filler guide shows.

2 - Play heartwarming games

There are narrative-driven games that can warm even the coldest cynical hearts out there, and you don’t even need to have a gamer to enjoy them. Titles like Letters, Celeste, Undertale, Life is Strange, and many others can deliver an emotional punch while still being fun and accessible games. Celeste is pretty hard, but you can tune down the difficulty in the settings.

3 - Focus your staycation on a single hobby

Whether you’re staying home for a month or just a single week, you can make a lot of progress on any hobby you choose if you dedicate 5+ hours a day to it. So why not use this time to finally tackle that one hobby you’ve always wanted to try since you were a kid? If you wish to learn to play the guitar or learn that special recipe one of your relatives always cooks around the holidays, this is a great opportunity.

4 - Find a novel series to lose yourself

Two weeks is enough time to finish an entire book series, and there’s nothing quite like the feeling of spending days upon days entranced in a beautiful fictional universe. So consider trying some new book series — preferably ones that already have an ending. Or you can play it safe and re-read one of your old favorites instead.

5 - Find volunteer work

Yes, this one will require that you go out of your comfortable vacation cocoon, but it’s worth the effort. Volunteer work is a great way to keep yourself busy while connecting with your community and impacting the world around you. And don’t worry about it feeling like having a job; showing up to help people by doing something you’ve never done before feels more like an adventure than a day at the office. A feeling that is bolstered by the sense of camaraderie that is often shared between volunteers.

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