Parents, you’ve got questions, we’ve got answers.

Or just as likely, we’ve got questions and you’ve got answers.

Challenge: Open Discussion

It takes 2 minutes

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Sister, it's time for a movement. A cultural shift. A paradigm. And it's going to take all of us.

It has become far too easy to hide behind a keyboard and spew hate to strangers. We argue over parenting styles, politics, religion, race and everything in between. Don't get me wrong, I am all for freedom of speech, but when that freedom crosses a line of pure unfiltered hate - we have a problem.

What happened to love? What happened to kindness?

What happened to building bridges, instead of putting up walls?

I know there is evil out there, sis. I know we live in times that I never wished for my children. I'm not naive to it. But, I refuse to let evil and hate paralyze me. I refuse to stop loving and letting hate win.


Especially now. Especially when the world needs more understanding and less comparison. More compassion and less judgement. More coming together and less isolation.

How many people did you come across today?

Five. Maybe 30? That tired mama in Target pushing her crying toddler, did you see her? That man behind you in line at the Starbucks drive thru he looked worried and tired, did you see him? That mom who always seems to be left out of the latest gatherings, did you see her?

But beyond seeing them, did you do something?

Y'all it takes two minutes to alter someone's day. Two minutes.

We have to start looking up. We have to start truly seeing one another. I know life is busy. I know we are all moving 100 mph, but we have to start offering a hand instead of a cold shoulder.

There are people out there struggling. There are people out there longing to feel connected. To feel seen. All it takes is one smile. A commiserating, "I've been there, mama." One hello. Buy a coffee for the person behind you. That waitress busting her butt at the fast food diner? Tip her and tell her how much potential she has. Write a quick note to a friend. Send that text message.

Do something. Anything.

I'm not giving up. I refuse to sit down and remain silent. There are little eyes watching, mama.

What will you do with two minutes?

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This post comes from the TODAY Parenting Team community, where all members are welcome to post and discuss parenting solutions. Learn more and join us! Because we're all in this together.