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How to Deal with Dark Circles Under Eyes in Children

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There was a time when I looked in the mirror and saw dark circles under my eyes. I was not worried since I was sleeping for only a few hours and grew tired all the time.

Then, I started to notice that my daughter has the same dark circles under her eyes. I was surprised given that she had enough sleep and was having a normal healthy lifestyle. I tried to check her overall condition just to be sure, and I found nothing peculiar or alarming about her health.

Are dark circles under eyes in children normal?

Let me share with you some of the facts that I had found about dark circles.

What are Dark Circles Under the Eyes?

If you see discoloration under the eyes or an appearance of pigmentation, then you are looking at under-eye dark circles. The condition is more of a cosmetic issue and not a medical concern.

Dark circle, or technically called Periorbital Hyperchromia, is the appearance of excessive pigmentation around the eye socket. Most under-eye dark circles are genetic conditions, depending on the racial background of a person. However, there are also other causes of dark circles, most often, far from a critical health condition.

The appearance of dark circles can also happen to children as early as toddler years. Due to certain factors contributing to its presence, children may still manifest such physical condition even if they appear in a healthy state.

Causes of Dark Circles

There are some reasons why children have dark circles under their eyes.

Symptom of allergies

In some cases, dark circles appear under the eyes as an indication of an allergy. The body may be sensitive to particular elements such as dust, chemicals found in household products or animal dander. When allergies attack, the nose gets congested and restricting the flow of the blood. It expands and darkens the veins producing a dark, bluish color to the skin. That is why under-eye dark circles are referred to as “allergy shiners.”


Dark circles under the eyes can be a hereditary component. Most children belong to families that have the same genetic issue. If their parents and other members of the family possess the same discoloration, they are likely to develop it themselves. As long as your child is following a healthy lifestyle and at the proper state of health, he may belong to this cause.

Skin complexion

There are cases when children who have lighter skin complexion have dark circles under their eyes. Their fair skin makes the dark tone more evident to the naked eye.


Our babies can get exhausted with their full-day activities, and the lack of sleep contributes to their tiredness. Once babies get tired, their bodies become pale, which shows a darker appearance of circles under their eyes.

Frequent Eye Rubbing

Scratching or rubbing of the eyes creates friction that will loosen the skin and cause discoloration. The skin becomes thin and sensitive thus making the blood vessel darker. If your child makes rubbing the eyes a habit whenever he feels tired or just feel like it, he is likely to have dark circles.

Other causes include:
• Excessive sun exposure
• Dehydration
• Contact Dermatitis
• Eczema
• Iron deficiency

Natural Remedies in Dealing With Under-Eye Dark Circles

Having dark circles under the eyes can cause a child to become conscious about himself especially when noticed at school or among his friends. The consequence of doing so is a lower self-esteem and sometimes, isolation from the peers.

We can help our kids deal with under-eye dark circles by providing them with natural remedies. Here are some examples:

1. Apply cold compress around the eyes. Your child’s eye may be too tired hence requiring a refresher using a cold compress. If you do not have a cold compress, you can use a chilled teaspoon and place it above his eyelids. You may also use frozen bags wrapped in soft cloth.

2. Spray salt water in his nose to flush out the sinuses and relieve his congestion. Use a saltwater rinse your doctor recommends. Ask your doctor for a safe dosage for your child.

3. Have him tested for allergies. It will also help you identify what factors your child may be allergic to.

4. Create a natural concoction for eye relief. Process cucumber and rose water or potato juice and apply it on his eyes using a cotton ball for 10 minutes every day.
Alternatively, you can also soak the cotton balls in cold water, green tea or cucumber juice and apply it over his eyelids for a few minutes.

5. Add a few pillows under his head. It will help in draining the fluids collecting on his face, causing the puffiness and darkening under his eyes. You can add one or two more pillows, at an elevated level where he is entirely comfortable.

6. Get him to bed early. When your child is free from any symptoms of illness, he may only be tired and lack proper sleep. Put him to bed earlier than usual and make sure he gets enough hours of sleep every night.

Extra Tips for the Future

Under-eye dark circles may seem a natural concern but always remember that prevention is better than cure. Do not wait for your child to have dark circles under his eyes before you make your move. There are ways you can do that will help you avoid it in the future.

• Keep your home clean and free from allergens. Help your child prevent allergic reactions by getting rid of factors around the house especially in his room.

• Follow a sleeping routine. Make sure your child sleeps 9 to 10 hours each day. Read him a book to help him sleep.

• Impose healthy eating habits. Your child needs to pack his body with the right nutrients and keep his body hydrated at all times.

• Avoid too much exposure to the sun. The sun’s rays are at their peak between 10 am to 2 pm. Prevent your child from going out during these times.


Children can have under-eye dark circles for many reasons. The best way to deal with it is to get to the root cause of the problem.

Check your child first for any signs or symptoms before jumping to conclusion. That way, your efforts will be worth it, and you can deal with the issue effectively.

I figured that my child’s constant eye rubbing had caused her to have dark circles under the eyes. She likes to rub her eyes when she feels amazed by what she saw or when she wants to see clearly in front of the screen.

Does your kid have dark circles under his eyes? What did you do to remedy it? Tell us more!

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