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Challenge: Bringing Home Baby: What Do You Wish You’d Known?

Ask For Help... Beg if Necessary

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I think the most important thing I wish I had known or had the courage to admit was how much help I needed when my son was born 5 years ago. I am a native-Californian who moved to New Jersey so my entire family is about 3000 miles away. When my son was first born, I didn't really know my neighbors or had any Mom friends. My mom came out for 10 days after my son's birth but then I was alone (of course my husband helped in the way husbands do, but let's face it... I needed other mom help). The seemingly endless days of crying, sleep-deprivation, and anxiety were hard to get through, but I'm a trooper so I tried not to show anyone outside how hard it really was. My husband's family lives close by, but they are busy with their own kids and such so when I casually asked for a visit and it was never planned, I never pushed. I absolutely should have picked up the phone and simply said "I'm having a really hard time, could you please come over for an hour so I can take a break?" Or I could have asked for something more specific like help with grocery shopping. I didn't want to be a pest or look weak, so I stayed quiet. What a mistake! Now I'm expecting my second child in May and I have a wonderful network of friends and family, and after 5 humbling years of motherhood, I think I'll be a lot better at asking for help. There is no shame in texting my neighbor to come over for 15 minutes so that I can shower! So to all new Moms... ask for help. Tell people the truth. There is not a single fellow Mom who won't understand and will not find some way to help. And, if by some chance someone says  no, move on to someone else. You will find someone to help. 

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