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As a pediatrician, I can tell how important flossing is for children

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Oral hygiene is more than just bad breath, practicing the right techniques can also help your child remain healthy, pain free and feel more confident about themselves. Not only do parents need to be adept when it comes to proper brushing techniques to exercise to their little ones, but they also need to be aware of kids floss techniques and the latter.


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One of the first ways that adults can begin promoting positive dental hygienic techniques is to incorporate regular dentist visits into their child’s routine. Taking children to routine dental examinations at the earliest age you can and then continuing with these visits is a great way to show your little one the importance of caring for their teeth and surrounding oral region.

By taking your youngster to the dentist on a continuous basis, you will make these visits a habit and not a nuisance. Your little one will begin to feel confident whenever they opt to visit a dentist, therefore removing some of the uncomfortable feelings that some children are accustomed with when faced with a dental visit.

Aside from showing your child that the dentist is not a person to be feared, adults also need to incorporate proper brushing techniques into their child’s life as well. Brushing should begin before a child’s first tooth appears in their oral region. The best way to begin this habit early on in your little one’s life is to start by wiping your little ones mouth with a soft washcloth to remove any milk buildup that could occur in this area during their premature years.

After the first tooth begins to show in the mouth of your child, you should immediately begin showing your child how to brush their tooth by using a baby tooth brush as their guide. This way, your bundle of joy will grow up knowing how important it is to properly brush this area of their body, thus forming a habit that can never be severed.

One aspect that is often times overlooked when it comes to a child’s smile is proper flossing techniques. There are many parents that are adamant that kids should not have to worry about flossing.

However, many adults already have a general understanding of the importance of flossing their smiles, but they believe that children do not share in these benefits.

Flossing is used to prevent the unnecessary buildup of plaque on the surface of the teeth as well as between the teeth. If plaque is not removed from a tooth’s surface this can cause this sticky yellow substance to remain on this delicate area which will then lead to tooth decay and dental caries.

All parents need to allow their kids to see that floss is not a bad thing to engage in. In fact, parents need to allow their kids to begin flossing at a relatively young age. If any parent is scared to show their child this crucial dental hygienic practice, a trained dentist would be more than obliged to lend a helping hand.

Remember to always lead by example. Kids, infants and every other age in between will follow the direction of their parents. By constantly ensuring that you as a parent are following great hygienic techniques and procedures you can undoubtedly encourage your child to do the same.

It is imperative to reinforce proper oral care with children when they are still in the midst of a premature age. By starting these oral practices early on, your child will form a habit that will benefit them for the remainder of their days

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