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Challenge: Happy Birthday!

A trip to ONEderland

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When my daughter turned one, we had an Alice in Wonderland themed tea party for her, but we changed the party to the popular theme of ONEderland. Follow me this way and down the rabbit hole to ONEderland!


This is the birthday girl in her Alice themed, tulle dress. A friend made the dress for her and I made the headband.


The party was to be in our yard, but due to record rainfall and flooding, at the very last minute, I called an event venue. Because we had the party on a Sunday afternoon and they just happened not to be booked, we were able to score the room for a very low price the day before the party! Large playing cards on the floor, the Mad Hatter cutout, and lanterns really made the event hall magical. The lights were already there! And, the sun came out right as the party started.


"Drink me" lemonade!


Simple fabric pieces made runners for the tables and while each table had a few things in common (mainly a white rabbit and teacups), the tables were eclectic and different. I hardly spent any money on these items and instead, raided the cabinets of friends and family. I also picked up a few things at local yard sales and thrift stores.




The cupcakes were very inexpensive and from our local grocery store. To make them special, I cut up playing cards and inserted them at an angle. A monogram "M" embellished the mini cake card for a topper.


For banners, I just hole-punched playing cards and put them on twine.


A very talented friend made these amazing cookies as a gift for the birthday girl!


The Red Queen says "GET OUT!" These cut outs were purchased through an online prom vendor.


Favors were embellished with the birthday girl's initial.

Thanks for journeying down the rabbit hole with me to ONEderland!

Kara writes on her blog, Mothering the Divide, about the divide that is mothering children, spirit, and the sacred. She knows that mothering is a way to find identity. Come follow her on Facebook.

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