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Challenge: Kids with Special Needs

5 Tips Your Child Will Start Writing Like a Pro

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Is your child appears to be struggling with forming proper sentences?

Do you want to encourage your children develop a passion for writing?

First and foremost, reading and writing problems with kids is not unusual. There are a range of factors that deter children from developing good writing skills. For example, some children have learning and attention issues, some kids cannot properly spell therefore cannot properly write, some are dyslexic while others have dysgraphia that causes trouble with written expression.


While children are very receptive as well as curious when it comes to learning new things but, putting those ideas on paper doesn’t always come easily for them. If you want to become an active participant in developing your child’s creative writing ability, you need to play a constructive role.

Here are some important tips that will help your child develop better writing skills:

1- Create a climate of words for your kids

Before you ask your children to start writing, you need to build an appropriate atmosphere for them. Take them to various places and observe different things that you can discuss about. The basis of an effective writing is a good discussion. Whenever parents share experiences with their kids and discuss things at length, children acquire a stronger control of language.

2- Teach them the basics

Your child needs to be told the basics of language to begin with. You need to tell them how to spell words correctly and make them understand correct punctuation. Talk through their ideas with them; help them discover what they want to say. It will also be important to understand the nuances as to what constitutes a coherent, grammatical sentence. To achieve this goal more perfectly, you can get help from writing services online as they can provide you useful insight.

3- Encourage them to think fast

In order for your kids to write fast and better, you need to encourage them to think fast. This is the base skill for developing most other skills in life. Generally, children think first and start writing later. However, if you encourage them enough to think on the go, they will start paying close attention to the minute details. As a result their confidence will be boosted manifold and they are going to write fast and better. Their memory allows them to just think the picture, which ensures that they don’t have to recollect and write.

4- Practice with them

It’s your indulgence that can bring a difference in your child’s life. You are both a role model and a teacher for your kids, so practice with them more often. Furthermore, if children don’t see parents or adults write ever, they will start getting an impression that writing happens only at schools under pressure. Have your kids see you writing notes, stories or letters. By practicing with your kids provides a solid reason for your children to write and share their stories.

5- Make writing a game, not a chore

It is very important for you not to burden you child by making writing as some kind of a task to be completed by him or her. If you make writing as much interesting as possible for your kids, they will involve more into it. Try to do it as if you are playing a game. As a matter of fact, before actually beginning to write on paper, writing has different stages - generating ideas, using interesting words, including favorite characters in the story, or recollecting past experiences. The main idea is to allow writing come naturally to them and let their ideas be seen on the paper.


As we mentioned above, difficulty in reading and writing in childhood is not uncommon; however, being a responsible parent, underestimating these problems could be your mistake. If your child is unable to write properly, first try to understand the reason and address them. After that the steps written above will definitely help you in that.

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