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Challenge: Pregnancy Secrets

THE Truth about C-Sections

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Did you know the United States is in dire straits with an epidemic that may not be obvious to people having babies?

But before I get into what it is, let me give you some guidelines from the World Health Organization.

Since 1985, the international healthcare community has considered the ideal rate for Caesarean sections to be between 10-15%. [Source: WHO]

The CDC reports the average caesarean rate for the United States is at a staggering 32%.

This is the highest rate for any developed country in the entire world.

Why is this alarming?

Due to this increase, more mother’s are dying from caesarean sections, which is major abdominal surgery, than birth itself.

This means more Caesarean sections within the United States are not medically necessary.

Say what?


There are many of reasons why doctors perform C-Sections when they aren’t medically necessary, but here are a few that come to top of mind:

  1. C-Sections cost more, so the hospitals want to increase their revenue.
  2. C-Sections take less time so they can turn over the hospital room faster to make room for another patient to increase revenue.
  3. The doctor and medical facility prioritize liability over patient care.

How can you prevent an unnecessary C-Section from happening to you?

  1. Have a birth plan. (Example copy here)
  2. Hire a midwife or doula.
  3. Always ask, “Is this medically necessary?” when a procedure is proposed.

Have any thoughts or questions about C-Sections? Write me in the comments section below and let me know.

Until next time,


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