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Or just as likely, we’ve got questions and you’ve got answers.

Challenge: Back to School 2021

What Advice Would You Give Your 16 Year Old Self?

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Over on the DO WIT podcast we’ve been doing a back-to-school series. These episodes focus on adults and teens sharing advice for how to navigate this time of year. The guests have shared some valuable insights and even inspired my most recent “backpack” post.

But I didn’t want the advice and support to stop at those podcast episodes. So yesterday I logged onto LinkedIn and posted the following:


I know that parents share words of encouragement and advice with their t(w)eens all the time, and I also know that sometimes those t(w)eens just don’t hear it.

Here are a few of the LinkedIn responses from adults and teens around the world. Here's hoping they help you (or someone you know) feel just a bit more confident and prepared heading back-to-school.

“Find out what inspires you and chase it” - Don Buckley - Educator | Entrepreneur | TEDx Speaker

“Work hard, play hard doesn't mean you should burn yourself out and avoid taking time for yourself. If you don't focus on your wellness you will be forced to focus on your illness. So, please make time to focus on and take care of your mental and physical health.” - Gigi Robinson - Chronic Illness & Mental Health Advocate | Creator Economy Speaker | Author | Podcast Host

“Expect to change course at least 10 times, especially in your career. Pivots are what keeps your journey interesting.” - Kathy Osborne - Founder KamelPR

“Be your own person. Don’t let anyone tear you down or bully you. Failure is OK: it’s part of learning, growth and life. Have fun. Be kind.” - Amy Losak - Health & Science Media Relations Consultant

“Be independent and interdependent knowing that knowledge is shared and enhanced when shared with others.” - Colleen O’Boyle - Associate Head of School at La Jolla Country Day School

“It’s okay to not have the next 10 years of your life figured out. Don’t listen to every piece of advice that people share!” - Khushi Gupta - Teen Entrepreneur at WIT | Founder With Passion

“Listen to the widest variety of voices you can find - the more different from your own viewpoints, the better. Listen well, and don’t ignore the voice inside you either.” -Illana Raia | Founder & CEO of Être | Author of bestseller The Epic Mentor Guide

“While you are navigating life's ups and downs, remember not to be overly hard on yourself. Everyone, at some point, makes mistakes; the key is to learn from them and continue moving forward.” - Balbir Singh Dasila Dean School of Design

Got a favorite quote from the above list? Go ahead and write it on a post-it and stick it where you can see it every morning.

Let it serve as a reminder that there have many who have gone before you - navigated those school hallways and made it out OK. They have even gone on to do great things!

You’ve got this!

Oh … and Rachel Sokol’s piece of advice - “Go for the nerd. Heheh.”

P.S. Head on over to the LinkedIn post if you want to share your advice!

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