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Challenge: Get Happy!

Tips to be on your way to a stress free super mom

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I constantly stress myself out trying to be supermom. I push myself way too hard to do it all: cooking, cleaning, crafting, the list seems endless most days, like a modern day June Cleaver sans high heels and pearls. I much prefer workout pants and sneakers. The stress of every day life was becoming a little too much for me to handle, so I decided to pick myself up by my sneakers and do something about it.

First, my organized supermom self decided to make a list of what I wanted to accomplish each day. It's not broken down by the minute or even the hour, but mainly covers my daily goals. I carve out time for working out, grocery, cleaning, laundry, cooking, etc. The list has been a lifesaver. I actually accomplish more because I have a goal set for each day.

Second, meal planning has saved the day. It helps make grocery shopping and cooking more efficient. Plus, we seem to eat healthier, when I have our meals planned!

Last, but not least, mommy time! Most of us are saying, mommy time, what is that? Trust me it can be done. Usually during nap time, I carve out mommy time. I spend at least 30 minutes doing something I want. It is nothing extravagant, but does wonders for me! I feel recharged and ready to face the rest of the day, after nap time has ended.

Mommies are just as important as those sweet babies. We need to remember to take care of ourselves too, so we can be the best mommies we can be!

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