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Challenge: Pandemic Parenting

I’m proud of us: We didn’t fail

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This one’s for those of us who did school differently this year.

Whether we enrolled our kids in virtual learning or we searched curriculum ourselves to try out homeschooling for the first time.

This one’s for the moms and dads who questioned what in the world we got ourselves into.

This one’s for those of us unsure about what it would look like to turn our home base into a school house, yet we somehow managed to work it all out.

This one’s for us who nearly got burnt out.

We nearly lost all our patience and our motivation to keep on.



We pushed through the new lessons.

We pushed through the tempers and the challenges and the attitudes (ours and theirs).

We pushed through the discouragement and the comments from others who said we might fail.


And we learned so much more about our children and about academics and appreciate teachers so much more.

And yet, we’re reminded we’ve been their teachers all along.

For everyone who started off the school year unsure how this new plan would work out -

Just remember -

Even if our schedules changed.

Or the format changed.

Or we had to extend some days and shorten others -

It worked out.

We did it!! We did it together.

I’m so thankful for our incredible teachers who’ve made every effort to support us.

I’m SO PROUD of our kiddos.

And I’m proud of us, too.


Now, who’s homeschooling or going virtual again next year??? 📚📚📚

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