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Challenge: Taking Care of YOU

How Cosmetic Surgery Can Help Moms Regain Their Youth

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While you underwent the process of carrying your child, your body was morphed into an amazing thing that eventually brought forward a new life into this world. However, in the process of giving birth and raising your child, you found out that your body had deformed in inexpressible ways. The good news is that you can bring back your youthful days through advanced cosmetic surgeries rightly suited for your mommy figure.

Here are some of the best cosmetic surgery procedures that you can opt for to rejuvenate and get back your youthful figure:

The Breast Augmentation Surgery

Considering that your breasts no longer carry their volume or seem to be sagging, the best option for your case would be breast augmentation. The surgery lasts for 2 hours at max, and you can leave the medical facility with either silicone or saline-filled implants. This procedure is permanent in nature but you may require replacing the implants more than once during your entire lifetime.

Following the surgery, you may need to take rest for a few days and keep from lifting heavy objects or even have your arms raised above 45 degrees for at least 2 weeks’ post-surgery. It is crucial that you follow the medication course and the instructions of the surgeon to the last word for complete recovery. However, the side effects of this cosmetic surgery may include temporary swelling, soreness, bruising and sensitivity. Recovery should be complete in 2 weeks’ time frame.

The Breast Lift Surgery

In case you are not comfortable with the idea of having implants, try the breast lift surgery. Through this surgical procedure you can revive your droopy, sagging and badly shaped breasts. While the excessive skin from the breast area is removed, your breast tissue will also be lifted along with reshaping or repositioning of your areolae and nipples.

The breast lift procedure can last up to 3 hours and offer permanent results. The side effects of this surgery may involve temporary bruising, swelling discomfort and scarring that will fade as time passes. You may take 1-2 weeks to recover fully from the surgery.

The VASER Liposuction

Today, liposuction is not as dreadful as it used to be and with VASER lipo treatment and your recovery time will be much faster in comparison to the traditional liposuction method. The results are immediate and visible.

Patients who have undergone this surgery seem to be pretty happy with the results, whether it is a mid-aged male opting for chest and back VASER lipo of a female looking to revive the buttock and thighs which is evident through Dr Joseph Ajaka reviews. Following this less painful procedure which involves less blood loss, you will have to resort to massages and exercises for a few weeks after which you will get the shape you have desired for a long time.

The Tummy Tuck Procedure

This procedure is also known as abdominoplasty and is considered a major procedure that can last as long as 5 hours. The plastic surgeon will work to get rid of your excessive skin and may reposition the navel giving new life to your weak muscles in the abdomen. Although, you will have a scar left after the tummy tuck and your recovery will also be slow, but you will end up with a narrower waist line and flatter stomach.

No matter what kind of cosmetic surgery you opt for, make sure that you are aware of the risks involved and recovery time required before you take a plunge into transforming your body.

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